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Designs for peer interaction

Title: Designs for peer interaction that improve feedback, learner self-confidence and retention
Date/time: Wed-Thur 9-10 March 2011. (my own slot: Thursday 10th 10:45am - 12:15).
Occasion: Staff development event for staff in the Science, Health and Education faculty of the University of the Highlands and Islands.
Place: Drumossie hotel
How to get there: 3 miles from centre of Inverness
Presenter Steve Draper,   School of Psychology,   University of Glasgow.

Slides: PDF
Handout:   Mainly a list of literature references   Materials for the workshop groups
Related material:

  • Reciprocal Peer critiquing
  • Talk on my Positive Psychology course, with a Jigsaw design
  • Brief web entry on Jigsaw, Patchwork Text, and Socratic Diaglogue


    This workshop will revolve around a range of learning designs (i.e. lesson plans and course structures) that arrange for high quality peer interaction in different ways. Peak results reported include reducing dropout from 25% to 4%, and tripling the amount learned on one course. There are also qualitative effects visible in many cases, including those the speaker has been involved in himself, such as student enthusiasm (arriving early and staying late) and increased self-confidence about the subject matter. Central to many of the best designs are exchanging peer feedback, and teaching each other. A variety of such designs will be discussed to give a sense of the large range of possibilities from which you might choose or invent one for your own teaching context. The pros and cons of using technological support for them (often not essential, yet often making it easier to deliver the designs) will also be commented on.

    Enquiries about the event, contact Ian Leslie

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