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Students' Workshop -- Getting More Benefit from Feedback

Title: Students' Workshop -- Getting More Benefit from Feedback
Date/time: Wednesday 9 Dec 2009. Session: 10am-4pm, (our own slot: 1-2pm).
Occasion: Quality Enhancement Conference
Place: Room 2F15, Dalhousie Building, University of Dundee
How to get there: It is 10 mins walk from Dundee railway station. Campus map

Steve Draper,   Department of Psychology University of Glasgow
David Nicol,   University of Strathclyde

Slides: PDF
Handout: PDF file
Related material:
Material on Reciprocal Peer critiquing: a published paper, and instructions on how to do it.


This workshop is aimed at any student in an essay-based discipline (e.g. history, psychology, literature). It suggests, through discussion and exercises, how students might get more out of feedback so as to improve their work in written assignments and exams. This is entirely possible for most students, partly by taking a more active approach themselves (which also helps them to extract more value from staff contributions), and partly by collaborating with other students.

This workshop draws on:
a) Our research about feedback which leads to suggestions that should be useful to students. We look forward to discussing with participants which suggestions do and do not seem to them worth acting on.

b) Workshop exercises that have earned good evaluations from students in the past. For example, in a workshop with a year three class, 6 thought it not worth having attended, 23 probably worthwhile, 33 certainly worthwhile, and 7 thought "Steve is a hero and deserves a medal".

Organised by: Lorraine Walsh
To register for this FREE event contact Julie "apd AT"

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