'; // constant // Clean up data. // Aim is to clean up for clarity AND to signal errors for user to edit. $speaker = trim($speaker); $date = trim($date); $title = trim($title); $id = trim($id); $mylink = trim($mylink); if (preg_match('/^$/', $title)) $title = $err . 'No title given.'; if (preg_match('/^\d{4}$/', $id) == 0) // Must have 4 digits only. $title = $err . 'Bad id format: ' . $id; if (preg_match('/^\d+\s*[a-z]+/i', $date) == 0) // Must have digits then alphas $date = $err . 'Bad date format: ' . $date; $eventurl = 'https://samoa.dcs.gla.ac.uk/events/viewtalk.jsp?id=' . $id; $mylinkhtml = '—'; if ($mylink): $linkword = parse_url($mylink, PHP_URL_PATH ); $arr = pathinfo($linkword); $linkword = $arr['filename']; //$linkword = $arr['basename']; $mylinkhtml = '' . $linkword . ''; endif; // Date cmp. Compare just the days / date; not time $thisdate = strtotime($date); //$thisdate = strtotime('2017-05-11'); // Tests //$thisdate = strtotime('11-05-2014'); // these work //$thisdate = strtotime('20-04-2018'); // these work //$str = date("jS F, Y", $thisdate); // Tests //$str = date("jS F, Y", $todaystamp); $era = ($todaystamp > $thisdate ? 'pastfont' : ( $todaystamp == $thisdate ? 'nowfont' : 'futurefont')); //$date = " ** $str " . $date; // for tests //$date = " " . $date . '' ; if ($todaystamp == $thisdate) $date = " " . '  Today!   '; else $date = " " . $date; // if last char of $date is not digit then error // This must come after setting colour by date relative to the present. if (preg_match('/\d$/', $date) == 0 && $era != 'nowfont') $date .= $err . ' ' . date('Y'); //Append the year. // In the 2nd part of this function, the finished HTML for a row in the table // is echo-ed out. $buf = ' XXdate XXspeaker XXtitle XXmylinkhtml '; $buf = str_replace('XXdate', $date, $buf); //no REs. $buf = str_replace('XXspeaker', $speaker, $buf); $buf = str_replace('XXmylinkhtml', $mylinkhtml, $buf); $buf = str_replace('XXeventurl', $eventurl, $buf); $buf = str_replace('XXtitle', $title, $buf); echo $buf; }; ?> Last changed 20 April 2018 ............... Length about 900 words (7,000 bytes).
(Document started on 4 April 2018.) This is a WWW document maintained by Steve Draper, installed at http://www.psy.gla.ac.uk/~steve/educ/rglist.html. You may copy it. How to refer to it.

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List of reading group meetings

By Steve Draper,   Department of Psychology,   University of Glasgow.

This is my private list of reading group topics: not necessarily always up to date. For a more definitive list, consult this link: Events: series 26.

Date Presenter Title my link


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