This is a WWW document maintained by Steve Draper, installed at /home/steve/public_html/tmp/decode.php. (Document started on 24 Dec 2007.)

Interactive page showing string de/coding in PHP

N.B. Site for base64 decode:

String to be decoded / encoded:


The base string: asdfqer%asdf>asdf
Naked to this page i.e. browser decode: asdfqer%asdf>asdf
The REQ string: 
The GET string: 

base32 encode: C5SP8SKHCNS2ARBKCHK3WRBKCHK0====
base32 decode: VZû»VZð+-

base64 encode: YXNkZnFlciVhc2RmPmFzZGY=
base64 decode: 

hex to decimal: 747302157023
Dec to hex: 0

      Meant for request part of URLs
urlencode: asdfqer%25asdf%3Easdf
urldecode: asdfqer%asdf>asdf
urldecode then toascii: 97 115 100 102 113 101 114 37 97 115 100 102 62 97 115 100 102 

      Meant for whole of URLs
rawurlencode: asdfqer%25asdf%3Easdf
rawurldecode: asdfqer%asdf>asdf

      Translate key HTML chars
htmlentities: asdfqer%asdf>asdf
html_entity_decode: asdfqer%asdf>asdf

      Translate more HTML chars
htmlspecialchars: asdfqer%asdf>asdf
htmlspecialchars_decode: asdfqer%asdf>asdf

      Add backslashes to escape quotes
addslashes: asdfqer%asdf>asdf

stripslashes: asdfqer%asdf>asdf

Convert charset Latin to Mac codes: 97 115 100 102 113 101 114 37 97 115 100 102 62 97 115 100 102 
Convert charset Latin to Mac: asdfqer%asdf>asdf

toascii: 97 115 100 102 113 101 114 37 97 115 100 102 62 97 115 100 102 

HTML char. refs: asdfqer%asdf>asdf