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Ways to search for a student

By Steve Draper,   Department of Psychology,   University of Glasgow.

This page collects and compares ways to search for a student's details, given some of them. (Someone else's list of search facilities: link)

  1. Studentbase

    Current students only. Bigger pics. Wild cards for name searches, course searches; but exact matric only.
    Registration: online, may only take a few minutes to get registered.

  2. Websurf

    (Websurf home page)

    Registration: goes through humans, takes days.
    Exact matric, or partial names (but gives no info on what the wild card chars are). Wild cards for name searches; but exact matric only, exact course codes. Searches all past students as well as current ones. Nice, but ...

  3. Old lists of student email addresses   wstudaddr

    This is the only place it is possible to look up a student email address. Because of marriage, and error in Registry records, a few students do not have an email that can be predicted from their matric and surname.

    It is also the only place you can search by a partial matric number (even though there is naturally a high number of typos due to poorly hand-written matric numbers).

    Gives you the email, given the surname. Can take a long time to load (this bug may only be IE5 parsing simple tables). Requires a close knowledge of surname and even then may not be able to tell which one from initials and faculty and matric. Because it shows only surname (not first name) and matric. Current students only: in fact students with an email: lingers after they leave for months; but level 1s don't get one for a while.

    Use my script 'wstudaddr name' (indifferent to case).
    Use 'wstudaddr name' for whole or the start of a surname, get fast search.
    Use 'wstudaddr -sub kendrick' for part of name (slower, get McKendrick, mackendrick, etc.)
    Use 'wstudaddr 3455' for all students with matrics containing this: typically 2-4 only, in fact.
    Use 'wstudaddr 20.752' to express a single unknown digit i.e. wildcard. I.e. RE syntax is passed through, and no quotes needed unless shell reacts.

  4. Script 'course': searching on course names

    My unix script 'course' searches a list of course names (titles, codes, departments; case indifferent), and presents the hits on a web page.


  5. Search notes

    Wild cards


    To find a course code,

    To find a student's matric number given part of it (but perhaps an illegible digit), use "wstudaddr" which allows wild cards and incomplete matrics.

    To find a student given their first name: use studentbase and spec * for the last name, and give their first name.

    Case insensitive (! esp. useful for course codes)
    In studentbase, get text (not picture) default by doing first search
    like that.
  6. Online lists of codes

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