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Ex.B help

Here is some extra instructions for the report required in ex.B.

Do graphs of results. Plot results on same graph if but only if they use the same response scales, and the results are worth comparing. E.g. my 2 questions on producing letters. So results from your questionnaires and SSIs will certainly be comparable: and you can show the separate results AND the combined results as 3 plots on same graph.

Create a column with your alternative response values e.g. -2,-1,0,1,2

Create a column with counts of responses i.e. how many subjects responded with "-1". Use the "count2" function e.g. "=count2(-1; B2..B35)" for counting the number of times "-1" was the value subjects returned, where the raw data was typed into the B column between rows 2 and 35.

In fact create one such column for each of the sets of results you are comparing e.g. questionnaire, SSI, combined totals

At the head of each column put a good title for that column e.g. "SSI" or "Reponses about hand writing"

Selected range of cells should include all of these: titles, counts, response values. Do this by mouse before doing "Options: Make chart" or by editing "Chart range" in "General"

Then adjust selections by various settings: Double click on the graph or do Options:Modify chart then:
In "general" check both boxes for "Use numbers as labels in first row / column"
"Gallery" choose "line" or "bar"
Other choices will let you label the axes; and the graph as a whole.