In PHP, all vars are local to current context, unless decl. as 'global' inside that context. Can use globals in functions AND set them there: like static vars. global ${$varname}; $currentval = ${$varname}; OR $currentval = $GLOBALS[$varname]); Doesn't seem to matter if a func def. is after the first call to it. Must use POST if big strings in data, else PHP seems to block them. // SHOW EVERYTHING of what php server has/knows //foreach ($GLOBALS as $key => $val) { echo "$key => $val
"; }; //phpinfo(); UNIX CALLOUTS **Simple system(' ./wtable < 2>&1'); also works **Solutions $cmd = "wtable < $tab;"; system('(export PATH=.:/home/steve/bin:$PATH ;' . $cmd . ') 2>&1'); **Callouts: exec('ls', &$mylist); foreach ($mylist as $f) { echo "$f
\n"; }; Can set PATH to have my programs work. $cmd = "wtable < $tab;"; system('(export PATH=.:~steve/bin:/home/steve/bin:$PATH ;' . $cmd . ') 2>&1'); // ~steve doesn't seem to work now. But full path name does, or link prog into local dir. where xx.php is. system: &1') // echos it all out to webpage (LFs as sps) ?>
echo exec:
exec('ls -lt', &array):fills array, one line per entry. shell_exec(cmd) returns output as a string. system : &1 ') ?>
system('csh -c "chdir redir; perl uextract < History.html >> out" 2&1'); PROBLEMS 0) The biggest problem is poor error messages e.g.saying "cmd not found" when really it's forbidding the exec of binaries not in original 2 bins. 1) Won't run binaries in local dir: says "no such file", even though it's there. It isn't because it's the wrong processor binary. 2) Seem to have to refer to local scripts as ./file. (or redir/file is OK) ./script will work but script will not. Fix: system('export PATH=.:$PATH ; q; 2>&1'); Works! 3) Will run local scripts. And the #! /bin/csh -f works, even in sh; BUT the path given has to work on the server m/c, not just mine/Lion. 4) Will follow symlinks BUT the target may not be there on the PHP server system 5) Any writing to files MUST have the files with W permission in advance for everyone. /tmp OK. DE-REFFING / INDIRECTION echo $$name will output the value of the variable whose name is in $name. echo ${'url' . 3} will output valof $url3. === $name = 'url' . 3; echo $$name; $s = 'echo $url' . 3 .';'; eval($s); I.E. you can do double de-reffing with $$; The braces make it work even if tricky syntax/calc inline on the name, and no 2nd $ in that case. Could also use eval() if you prefer to construct a whole statement as a string not just one varname. EVAL eval() executes a bit of code given as a string arg. Includes decls ('global ...'); output ('echo ... '). Must have semicolon at end of the statement-string. ARRAYS $ctable[$table[count($table)-1][0]] = 'witch2.jpg'; //$ctable[$table[end(array_keys($table))][0]] = 'witch2.jpg'; $arr1 = $arr0; makes a copy; Not so easy to get last elem of array. end() sets ptr; pop*() removes not copies last elem, .... if (!is_array($ctable[$ckey])) { $ctable[$ckey] = array(); } ANCHORS Since anchors (#tag part of URL) are only needed in the browser, they may not be sent to server? However PHP par parse_url($url) will return it in ['fragment'] if it's there. There is a workaround if you have to get the anchor to PHP server from browser: Use javascript in page returned to client; Have javascript set a cookie with the anchor in, from document.location which is URL with anchor in. Re-fresh page so cookie is sent to server. [in plain html...] [ and from here on, can access the anchor in php from the cookie var] FOCUS ON TEXT FIELD ONlOAD() The std. thing in many of my pages is to have the text box already with the pointer: focus, highlighted, selected. That's good. But if the page is also (sometimes) called with an #anchor, then instead of scrolling to the textbox, it should allow the browser to scroll to the anchor. So: should use this as std. in my pages, to get initial select/focus function sf(){var x = location.href.split('#'); if (x && x.length>1) return; document.myform.uservalue.focus();;} <.. onLoad="sf()" ..> NB1: call it not sf() but ReadyToType() or SetFocus() ? NB2: do I still need both focus() and select() ? NB3: referring to the right box isn't automated. Am using document.form-name.ipbox-name Form names seem to be directly in document regardless of DOM nesting. FORMs can't be nested Elements seem to be directly in FORM regardless of nesting.? 33: Could set an ID and do getElementById() Could get all