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Temporal and situated aspects of data

Contents (click to jump to a section)

A. Introduction

Data as held by standard data management software may be richly connected in a variety of ways, and yet the relationship of the stored data to the world it is supposed to model is assumed to be very simple. There are aspects of each stored instance value, such as its individual interactions with time and context, which require a more sophisticated treatment of that relationship. To represent time in a database is currently done by extending the schema to include time values; yet a person's salary and its increment date have a temporal behaviour that are attributes of the salary value and not of the person entity. Furthermore, it is often useful to record the time of events happening to data values themselves (not to anything in the world being modelled) e.g. a data update event.

This research proposes to tackle many such issues systematically, thus avoiding the indirect and hence troublesome modelling otherwise necessary. Furthermore we have found an apparently very simple domain -- basic accountancy -- which exhibits them in profusion, and which we propose to use to develop and test solutions. Currently the most common tool for accountancy is a standard spreadsheet. A spreadsheet is a data management tool which has a simplified data model, but otherwise exhibits the same oversimplification as do more complex applications, e.g. database systems. We plan to extend the data model of spreadsheets to cope with the problems mentioned above in the expectation that similar extensions will be applicable to the more complex data models underlying database systems. The user interface aspects of spreadsheets similarly turn out both to need re-analysis and to illuminate fundamental issues in HCI. The resulting improvement is important partly to maintain usability and partly to exploit the gains from the new approaches.

Although computer spreadsheet applications are explicitly derived from the paper practices of accountants, when analysed they are quickly seen to be a rather poor fit to the task of even very basic accountancy. They support arithmetic, but not most of the tasks that accountants are using arithmetic to accomplish. Calculating and reporting totals and other figures is only part of the job. Accounts must also show what they represent, how the figures are derived, what assumptions they are based on, and at what time the assumptions and figures were made. This is important so that accountants can check their own workings, but is equally important in presenting accounts to others even though less detail may be appropriate then. It is well known that spreadsheets turned out to be used for financial planning as much as for accounts -- for reasoning backwards from totals as much as for calculating totals from known items -- yet this requirement has not been well reflected in spreadsheet programs. Even though the relationship between totals and components is the same in both cases, in a spreadsheet you have to rewrite the formula completely and move it to a different place, so the connection is represented only in the user's head. We believe that the reason that spreadsheet design has stabilised, but in forms that are a poor match to accountants' tasks, is that substantial progress depends on developing and applying solutions to the relatively profound data modelling problems referred to earlier, and discussed below.

We believe that our opening claim -- that the relationship of data values to the world they are meant to model requires a more sophisticated treatment -- applies to many of the issues that litter database practice: that have been noted and discussed piecemeal but not systematically dealt with, including:

These could be viewed as related by a single underlying issue: the trend towards analysing computer programs in the context of the human and social systems in which they are used -- towards dealing with "situated computation". A database designer not only has to design a data model to describe the relevant parts of the external world, but also to take account of the common retrievals (e.g. to provide indexes for fast retrieval), and the method for data entry and how to approach the problem of validation. Issues about null values are issues about how to handle errors in this wider system which includes human actions of data entry.

B. Research strategy and plan

What is proposed here has three major aspects which we believe will be much better tackled in conjunction, as interleaved aspects of a single research activity, than any would if studied alone. The aspects are (1) theoretical problems in data modelling and programming (e.g. temporal aspects of data, supporting reasoning about calculations), (2) a simple and limited domain -- basic accountancy -- that is nevertheless of great practical importance so that we can quickly build a working program and so test the adequacy our ideas against real users and their concerns, and (3) developing a novel user interface of high usability partly because the problem domain demands it, and partly because the domain also brings out some important and under-explored issues in user centred system design. This research strategy has the weakness that the theoretical solutions developed will not be demonstrated to be general within this grant (though we expect to generate arguments supporting their claim to generality); but it has the strength that the solutions' adequacy for one real application will be tested on users. We believe that this is appropriate, especially for relatively early work. In contrast, many demonstrator systems only demonstrate the possibility of construction, and do not test the performance and usefulness of the design in (any) practice. We plan to gain real (perhaps harsh) feedback on our ideas, at the price of leaving to the future some questions about generality and scaling up. However the maturity of the field of data modelling as a whole gives us a much better chance of filtering ideas for probable generality than we would have in a newer field. Our research strategy, then, is in effect one of rapid prototyping of solutions in one domain to some theoretical problems which we believe to be very general.

Work plan

  1. Gathering requirements and other task information from interviews with domain-expert users e.g. accountants and others without computing backgrounds, but whose job involves financial management. (We have verbal expressions of willingness from several people, and a letter from the director of a small company, currently with 3 employees, agreeing to be interviewed, to try out and to critique our software, and to use it as far as possible in managing the company's accounts should it prove sufficiently usable.) 1 person-month, including writing up accounts of this.
  2. Developing the theoretical ideas outlined below, and applying them to the domain. 6 person-months.
  3. We will build an application program on the Macintosh for basic accountancy. To users it will appear as a specialised development of spreadsheet programs. Technically however it will have far fewer mathematical functions, but far more complex data objects, together with extensive use (and multiple visual representations of) the graph structure implied by the formulas and the relationships they specify between items (cells). 3 person-months for design; 12 person-months for implementation and in-house testing, of which perhaps 8 for the first version, allowing 4 for later versions after (d) has begun.
  4. Test the program with domain users, and iterate the design as necessary. 1 person-month interacting with the users, gathering their feedback.
  5. Writing documentation and reports. 1 person-month.

C. Theoretical issues

The simplest view of what databases do is to provide a replica of the world, albeit partial and abstracted. This is what "model" means to many people. The ideal case is when the model is entirely accurate in those aspects it describes: like an extension of direct perception, or remote sensing by instruments. In many cases considerable effort is expended on the human systems in which databases are embedded to ensure that data is complete, accurate and up to date, at least by the time it is consulted. Because of this effort, the symptoms resulting from deviations from this ideal are usually regarded as minor problems of advanced database practice. We, on the contrary, attempt to view these as a systematic and related cluster of theoretical shortcomings. We begin by discussing developments to modelling the world, and then go on to issues of modelling states of the recorded data itself.

1. Modelling temporal aspects of the world

1.1 Calendar time

Some objects to be modelled have intrinsic temporal behaviour such as a person's age. If this is stored as a length of time, it will need continual updating, while if birth date is stored then age can be exactly calculated for any time. The accountancy domain has a large number of such cases. Salary costs, rentals, insurance payments etc. all have regular though more complex temporal behaviour. A first pass at a design for these items might use amount, recurrence frequency (e.g. monthly), and number (not all such payments recur for ever e.g. hire purchase agreements). The first and last payments are often a different amount and need to be describable. The next consideration is to describe any known rules for changes e.g. annual salary increments or national pay awards. In general, an item needs to be treated not as a single scalar value but as a function from duration to a value. Functions of time are particularly important because of the interaction with issues of data status: whether the data is up to date.
` If all values (e.g. money amounts) are a function of time duration, then producing accounts for any arbitrary sub-period becomes little more than a simple retrieval. At present similar calculations have to be set up by every user without support: typically time spans (e.g. in months) are calculated in the head and typed into an overt calculation of the money amounts (together with a proportion of errors). Obviously it is faster, more flexible, and more likely to be accurate if a general rule using a complete description of the real data (the behaviour of the world) is used. A similar point applies to examples such as salaries: if all items have this kind of information, then we avoid the problems of their treatment on ordinary spreadsheets where you must allocate extra cells per item, thus cluttering the spreadsheet. (This is really the familar point that when there is a repetitive sequence of tasks, these should be supported in a constrained way.)

1.2. Time sequence

A different kind of time behaviour depends not on calendar (quantitative) time, but on sequence. For instance a dental surgery might have a regular sequence of sending a reminder to a patient, making a checkup appointment, performing the checkup, arranging and performing a session with the hygenist, receiving payment. Similar sequences are common in processing students, and in selling goods and services of all kinds: it thus also strongly overlaps with accountancy. The point is that the same entity goes through a partially or fully ordered set of states. The data model should reflect the continuity of identity of the record, and check data entry transactions for conformity with the sequence. What is required is support for an attribute type of this kind, representing a sequence (or in general perhaps a directed graph) of alternative states. The particular graph must be designed specifically for each domain, but the general behaviour and its interaction with data entry events is standard. There may of course also be an interaction between this sequence behaviour and calendar time e.g. to generate reminders, or warning invoices if payment is not received after some fixed interval.

2. Modelling information status

The developments discussed above extend a data model's basic ability to describe aspects of the world (in this case aspects of its temporal behaviour). At times, however, there are breakdowns of various kinds between what the data model is designed to describe and the information actually present. Such information about the state and status of the recorded information is often stored only in human heads (e.g. "don't look at that, it's out of date", "I haven't put in today's figures yet", or "I know it gives an address, but letters there get returned 'addressee unknown'"). It seems desirable to extend computer support to representing and recording this information-status information. There are several major kinds.

2.1 Recording data entry times

If all data entry and update actions are recorded as events, then the data will itself always hold complete information about when it was last updated, and by implication whether it is now up to date. In fact if data actions are recorded as time-
stamped events, then not only can the normal data view (the current resulting state of the data model) always be computed but all past states for any specific time can be recalculated. This is useful for satisfying legal requirements for record keeping, making the database not only a record of the current state of affairs but also a complete record of past business, and as a resource for correcting errors in data entry detected much later. The latter can be a serious problem with databases, many of which pin all their faith on validation at entry, leading to disasters if a few errors nevertheless creep past. This single mechanism can also provide a version mechanism if the user may define "super-events" as sets of atomic events. For instance in the basic accountancy domain, a typical use is to go back to a spreadsheet whose layouts and formulae are established, and type in a set of new values: treating this set as a super-event allows the resulting state to be treated as a new "version", while, if the data entry events were systematically stored, the old versions would still be available. This mechanism would have no costs for the user: they would still perform the same input actions, while the fact that new events were being added to the store rather than data values being overwritten would be invisible. Although this could cause space problems for very large databases, in many small applications this would not be a challenge for typical configurations. Thus adding temporal aspects to information status recording should bring considerable benefits directly.

2.2 Data acquisition failures

Designing a data model for an application amounts to deciding what data should be captured and stored. Nevertheless in practice there are occasions where these data values are not acquired according to plan e.g. a customer fails to fill in a form, a keyboard operator cannot read a document or form. If the entity is not to be omitted entirely from the database, then the deficient status of this data instance needs to be represented. This is often attempted by means of special null values e.g. "John Doe" for names, perhaps a negative integer for unknown ages. Conceptually this obscures two key points. Firstly, the real need is to record two things about each value: the value itself in its proper range, plus a separate representation of the status of the data value e.g. valid, invalid, not yet acquired, etc. Secondly, the set of information states and especially distinct failure types is domain specific: it does not depend on the type of the data value e.g. integer, or ages, and so there can never be a clean and general type system embracing null values. It is not a question of a boolean flag (valid or invalid), but usually of recording in what way the system of data acquisition failed. For instance if you are recording the exam marks of students, it is important to the institution to distinguish between marking the answers and giving zero, receiving a blank answer sheet, knowing the student attended the exam but did not hand in an answer sheet, knowing the student did not attend (check to see if a medical certificate exists), not finding any record (did we lose the exam script?). These differences are important to many users of record systems, not least because each state implies different followup action, and so should be addressed in data modelling. The distinctions worth recording are really possible error states of the (probably human) process of acquiring the data. As with other error messages, they will be more useful to the extent not only that they give more information, but that that information is matched to standard recovery actions. That is why they are application specific, but it also implies that with care they could be designed systematically by the data modeller, whose role is by implication extended from designing a description of some external world, to designing a standard data acquisition process, to designing recovery procedures for the ways in which it can fail.

In accountancy it is also important. An auditor for instance will need to note whether records are missing, pending, or satisfactorily checked. In managing customer accounts it is increasingly important for service industries to be able to handle phone queries and complaints, and to correct errors and omissions by either customer or the business as smoothly as possible. Data models designed with only the case where everything works correctly in mind will not be as helpful here as one that models types of data acquisition errors. Note that sequential temporal descriptions could play a part here: for instance any data value has an at least partially ordered set of states. An attempt ending in failure might go: unknown and unsought, first enquiry method tried and failed, .... tried everything and do not expect ever to find out. An attempt ending in success, but in a system requiring careful validation (e.g. credit status) it might be: starting an enquiry, entering a value, independent validation, entering into the online database.

2.3 Presupposition failures

Data acquisition failures are not the only kind of problem that null values are used to describe. The other major subclass is what might be called presupposition failures. While a data instance describes the actual attribute values of an entity, a data model describes the attributes and presupposes that all instances of an entity have such a value for data acquisition processes to seek. Few such assumptions are wholly proof against exceptions. Most records of people assume they have a name, but a few infants escape birth registration and so have none, and some people particularly women change their name and so have more than one. Suchman (1983) describes a problem with addresses for a company supplying photocopier paper. The form assumed that one address could be used for delivering the paper and sending the invoice for payment, a presupposition that broke down when a ship in transit sent in an order from one port for delivery to meet them at another. Thus there may be no normal value to record, not because the value is not known, but because there is no such value: this is a failure (or error) in the data schema design in the sense that it assumes something about the world that turned out not always to be true. However the way forward is probably not to try to design schemas for all possible worlds, but to have a way of recording exceptions.

Again, it is not enough in general to have a single "not applicable" null value added to the range of all types to flag the failure of a data schema presupposition, although this may be enough in many specific applications. For instance an employee record might have a field for their PAYE code because this is normally very important. However there may be cases where there is no value, not just because it has not yet been discovered, but because they have none (the tax office has not yet assigned them one), or because it is not relevant because they have a non-remunerative position (e.g. honourary fellow at a university).

2.4 Recording justifications for values

Besides recording the time of data entry, in general it would be desirable to record the reason or authority or source on which a data entry was based. While some applications are in fact designed to use only one source of information, in many cases recording justifications would greatly enhance the usefulness of the data: in historical, literary, criminal, and military information for instance. In accountancy this is potentially very important too. Many calculations are projections or plans, and recording the basis of the assumptions made will make them both more useful and more re-usable. Even in auditing accounts (of the past), assumptions must sometimes be made, and the basis of estimates needs to be recorded. Current systems seldom do this. Justifications would probably be implemented as fields of data entry event records, but their use could be not only in helping to track down and correct data entry errors but in representing alternatives in the computer. In accountancy, the structure of both data and calculations is common between records of the past, current managment which uses a mixture of known figures (e.g. overheads) and projections, and future planning which may require the development of several alternatives. These could be stored in a single uniform system, using justifications as well as entry events to label and distinguish the alternative versions.

3. Visual interfaces to programming (intensional descriptions)

So far the discussion has been of data modelling issues that apply to many application domains. The basic accountancy domain however obviously involves attention not only to data structures, but also to setting up arithmetic calculations, which are most widely supported at present by spreadsheets. Spreadsheets are sometimes loosely described as having a direct manipulation (DM) interface. This however is to miss a very important difference between them and true DM interfaces. In the latter, e.g. in graphics editors, objects are referred to by users by extensional descriptions: by pointing. Such interfaces are organised around the idea of displaying all the objects of interest, but having the user refer to objects by pointing to each individually, and refer to sets by enumerating the objects belonging to it (e.g. by dragging over a set of icons). This is in contrast to intensional descriptions as used in language, where the user describes an object or set, and the machine then retrieves objects matching that description (if any). DM is by (strict) definition unable to deal with domains requiring intensional description e.g. database retrieval, or programming. A description is not direct reference, let alone manipulation, and an arithmetic expression for example describes properties of the number you want, rather than naming it. The whole point of typing an arithmetic expression or a database retrieval command is not to get back what you see and manipulated (WYSIWYG) but to get back what it turns out to mean (a number, a set of items) -- something which you do not know and are using the machine to discover.

Spreadsheets are the best common interface design that approach the usability of DM while tackling intensional descriptions. The crucial aspect of their design seems to be that they display both intensional descriptions (the formulae) and their effects (the resulting values); and furthermore allow compound descriptions to be broken down as little or as much as the user wishes i.e. you can split a formula into parts, and inspect the intermediate results in separate cells. This is valuable whether the user is developing their program (intensional description) iteratively, or attempting to verify its correctness by inspection and reasoning.

Spreadsheet design has evolved very little, but this may not be because it is optimal but because of a lack of analysis of its crucial tasks and properties. Spreadsheets can be seen as fundamentally about supporting the creation of simple programs to do arithmetic calculations, and that they could be improved by a systematic attempt to improve that support. We know from the field of programming languages, that languages need to be easily read not only by machines but by the programmer while developing a program, and by other programmers later. This is equally true of spreadsheet users, and accountants in particular. People use spreadsheets not only to do calculations for private use, but to produce documents (e.g. accounts) to hand to other people, and to support their inspection and checking. Thus, for example, we should expect that this aspect of their function would be helped by better support for labels, meaningful variable names, comments i.e. justifications. Spreadsheets often support this only by allowing text values to be typed into adjacent cells, but when items are moved around the failure of the program to understand the structure that is important to the users shows up. The development of ideas for more complex data items, and particularly of justifications, should help directly.

The other way in which ordinary spreadsheets fail to represent the structure important to their users as well as they might is in treating formulae as one-way functions, not as equations. In accountancy, the same relationship holds between totals and subtotals (e.g. for staff and equipment) in accounts of past spending and planning for the future. The difference is that in the latter, the total is often fixed and unspent amounts under each heading need to be calculated. What is wanted is not an algorithm for resolving circular references, but an ability to support the user in a very rapid reversal of some formula e.g. a popup dialogue asking which subtotal is now to contain the residue (e.g. "Reserve fund", "borrowing requirement"). This can be done by a simple extension of the use made of the relationship between items implicitly specified by any formula. In so doing, it will in effect be a step towards making such programs support a less imperative style of programming. In fact arithmetic formulae specify implicitly but unambiguously a directed graph: in database terms, a relationship between entities. By deriving and using this relation more flexibly, a program can offer many useful features to its user, one of which is that ability to reverse the direction of the relationship, and so embody the connection between projections, financial planning, and accounts of past periods.

4. Situated computation

As suggested in the introduction, all the above issues can be seen as aspects of a pervasive issue in computing -- that of "situated computation" i.e. the consequences for program design of the situation in which it is used. This concerns not only the highly variable behaviour of human users of personal computer applications, nor the more carefully designed human procedures associated with data entry and validation, but in principle also the whole environment e.g. file servers and networks. In the data modelling field, it appears as issues of modelling information status. In the field of programming practice, even of writing arithmetic expressions in spreadsheets, it appears as the issue of how best to support people in writing correct expressions, checking their validity, and being able to allow others to understand and verify them easily. That is, the context is that of human program creation. This research obviously does not aim to solve the whole issue of situated computation, but to the extent that it does establish solutions in a particular domain, we can expect them to contribute to the general topic.

D. The task domain of basic accountancy

The suitability of the domain of basic accountancy was sketched in the introduction. It turns out to involve temporal aspects to a considerable extent. Financial planning and past accounts form a spectrum with many intermediate points. Half way through a project or fixed price contract, the managers have some fixed figures (income and expenditure so far), some firm predictions (fixed overheads like rental and salaries), and some much looser predictions. As a project progresses, items move in status from guesses, to forecasts, to actual transactions. This continuity has usually been represented only in human heads, but the theoretical ideas discussed should allow us to improve on that. The requirement for planning also implies a need for a version mechanism (for supporting alternatives) and for recording justifications and associating them with items. Accountancy, like other data domains, also has to deal with data that is missing, incomplete, or otherwise deficient with respect to the designer's expectations. All in all, the domain exhibits good examples of all the issues discussed, while being characterised by small data sets and simple (arithmetic) calculations, and so seems an ideal research domain.

E. The user interface

The above outlines some of the major analytic developments planned in order to support the task domain of basic accountancy better through more complex data objects, plus the use of the relationships between items specified by the formulae linking them. To be useful, the user interface must be at least as good as that of current spreadsheet programs, in spite of any increase in conceptual complexity. A considerable part of the work will therefore be in developing this aspect. The starting point is to analyse what spreadsheets' real task is, how they currently do it, how those techniques could be improved, and how both current and improved techniques could be applied to the domain of basic accountancy.


Spreadsheets embody several techniques for displaying the implicit structure relating items. 1) formulae: "=A+B+C" not only specifies an arithmetic calculation, it also is a way of representing a relationship or structure between the cells holding A,B,C and the cell holding the formula and its resulting value. 2) Most people use spreadsheets like paper in that they will type in items in a vertical column, with the total at the bottom. This is using spatial position, grouping, layout to represent a relationship. 2b) Our program will also allow the generation and display of diagrams of these structures e.g. drawing lines with arrows linking cells that are linked by formulae. Furthermore, grouping, shading, and boxes can be used as visual display cues to indicate these relationships, instead of using the uniform grid layout of standard spreadsheets where proximity is the only indication of relationship between non-blank items.

Complex data items

Basic spreadsheets have items with three implicit fields: a value, a formula, and a format (e.g. treat this value as a date). They also allow their users to type in text to cells, and this is often used to put text next to figures allowing the proximity to represent the association of labelling. Our program will associate labels with items in the underlying data, and then allow users to control whether and how the labels are printed in any particular display. Furthermore, we shall of course apply all the ideas discussed earlier for temporal and status attributes, plus an underlying layer of data manipulation event records.

The proposed program will thus support a variety of displays of both the structure and the details of the data and calculations it holds, and provide the user with control over the detail shown both on screen and on printouts. This will allow very detailed versions for the accountant's use, with summary printouts as required. However these printouts can, at the user's request, include not just figures but associated labels, and justifications. It thus will aim to maintain and improve spreadsheets' ability to serve both as a very personal calculation tool, and a tool for producing printed reports to be handed to others for various purposes.

F. Resources requested

We request 2 years of an RA, as explained in the person-month allocations in the work plan above. We shall hire a competent programmer, and use an in-house training course to get them fluent with Macintosh toolbox programming (which will also require us to buy reference books). We hope to hire a newly qualified PhD, so that the theoretical analysis will not be too dependent on ourselves. The RA will need a medium power Macintosh for development, and a suitable programming environment e.g. THINK C. Printing and backup will need to be covered by a consumables charge from the department services. In addition, we shall wish to buy a selection of low-end spreadsheet and accountancy software to analyse for domain relevant features. If our own prototype does not match the market norm at that time in relevant functional respects, we may not be able to secure adequate user cooperation.

10% of a technician and 5% of a secretary are required to support this project, over and above that provided by a well-founded laboratory. Technical support includes purchasing, installing and configuring dedicated equipment, software maintainance, filestore support, troubleshooting and technical consultancy. Secretarial support will include handling reports, travel and correspondence for the project.

G. Dissemination and exploitation

The main output will be development of the theory and practice of data modelling, together with the links between that and user interaction. We therefore expect to publish papers, attend the named database and HCI conferences, and perhaps to distribute our prototype software as a demonstration. With the modest resources requested here, we cannot produce and support a commercially robust product. We hope however that the ideas will contribute to developments in the practically and commercially important area of database and accountancy software.

H. Research experience

Steve Draper is a lecturer, teaching HCI. He entered the HCI field under Don Norman in San Diego, with whom he edited "User Centered System Design". His aim is to carry through an inter-disciplinary approach to HCI, and his recent research grants include one from SERC with a computer science emphasis on building a toolkit for iconic interfaces, and one from SERC/DTI with a psychological emphasis on adapting psychological methods to the measurement of user interface performance. At present he has a grant from JCI with 3 others on Temporal Aspects of Usability, researching the effects of response delays on users. Some publications are in the reference list.

Richard Cooper is a lecturer, and has worked extensively in the area of usability of database systems, concerning himself with both data modelling and user interface issues. To this end he has been a technical leader with ESPRIT projects COMANDOS (Projects 834 and 2071) and FIDE (Project 6309) and has run the SERC-funded Configurable Data Modelling (Grant HR17671). He has also initiated a series of International Workshops on Interfaces to Database Systems


Cooper, R.L., Atkinson, M.P., Dearle, A. and Abderrahmane, D. (1987) "Constructing Database Systems in a Persistent Environment" Proc. of 13th International Conference on Very Large Databases, Brighton, September.

Cooper, R.L. (1990) "Configurable Data Modelling Systems", Proc. of 9th Conference on the Entity Relationship Approach, 35-52, Lausanne, October.

Cooper R.L. (1993) (ed.), Proc. of the International Workshop on Interfaces to Databases, Springer Verlag.

Draper, S.W. & Waite, K. W. (1991) "Iconographer as a visual programming system" in HCI'91 People and Computers VI: Usability Now! (eds.) D.Diaper & N.Hammond pp.171-185 (CUP: Cambridge).

Draper S.W. (1993) "HCI and database work: reciprocal relevance and challenges" In R.Cooper (ed.) Interfaces to database systems (IDS92), Glasgow 1-3 July 1992 pp.455-465 (Springer-Verlag: London)

Draper, S.W. (1993) "The notion of task in HCI" pp.207-208 Interchi'93 Adjunct proceedings (eds.) S.Ashlund, K.Mullet, A.Henderson, E.Hollnagel, T.White (ACM)

D.A.Norman & S.W.Draper (1986) (eds.) User Centered System Design (Erlbaum: London).

Paton N., Cooper, R.L., WIlliams, H. and Trinder, P. (1994) Database Programming Languages, Prentice Hall.

Suchman, L.A. (1983) "Office procedures as practical action: models of work and system design" ACM transactions on office information systems vol.1 pp.320-328.